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Hi There!

It's nice to meet you.

Welcome to a transformative journey of self-discovery that incorporates the wisdom of numerology and the spiritual essence of mandalas.  I'm here to guide and support you on a unique path of personal growth, inner understanding, and life enrichment.

My Inspiration

My mom, Chata Lynn Hurst
My soul mate and mom, Chata

The passing of my mom in 2008 had a profound impact on my life, leading to a transformation in my spiritual beliefs.  I recognized that our loved ones, though physically absent, continue to exist in consciousness. This realization fuels my commitment to assist you on your spiritual journey.

Spirit Drawing of my Mom by Rita Berkowitz "The Spirit Artist" She drew this never having seen a photo of her.

My own longing to reconnect with my mom and understand the mysteries of the afterlife propelled me towards a deeper spiritual awakening. As I delved into this new awareness, clarity and meaning emerged. I realized that the essence of Spirit resides within each of us.

My mom in spiritual form (light orb), taken during an angel reading at a local spirit fair
My mom in spiritual form, taken during an angel reading at a local spirit fair. That's me underneath her Light!

Through self-discovery, I strengthened my connection to both Source and my mom, gaining the confidence to transform my own life.

The truth is that I can help guide you because I’m not you.

My outside your bubble perspective allows me to see your experience with detachment and provide you with the clarity and tools to help you find your way.

This may be a joint effort, but it’s a personal journey.

Intuitive portrait by Michelle of my animal totems and spirit guides
Intuitive portrait by Michelle of my animal totems (hawk, crow, dove, deer, buffalo, dog, and cat) and spirit guides

Why Work with Me?

A client once told me that she enjoyed working with me because it felt like we were dancing.

Wow, I love that….but what does that mean?!

It means that in our time together, I’ll create a spiritual partnership with you based on mutual respect and love where I’ll compassionately lead you to answer some tough questions about yourself, ask you to face your fears, help you identify limiting beliefs, and give you the freedom to come to your own conclusions, insights, and realizations.

It’s in this ‘dance’ that I help instigate personal and spiritual growth.


In our time together, you can expect...

  • To be treated with love, compassion, and respect.
  • To be invited into a sacred space where trust and open communication is encouraged.
  • To be treated professionally with dignity and courtesy.
  • An active listening partner who will ask you mindful and thought-provoking questions.
  • To be introduced to Spiritual Law and numerological principles and encouraged to utilize the teachings for yourself.
  • To make inner work a priority.
  • To laugh and cry as you walk your spiritual path with assistance.

My Qualifications

It's not my Master of Metaphysical Science degree or Spiritual Life Coaching certificate that qualifies me to assist your spiritual journey...


It's my commitment to my spiritual journey that does.


While it's true that I've invested time, money, and energy to educate myself spiritually and metaphysically, what's more important is that I prioritize working on myself consistently to ensure that my spiritual cup runneth over.

I continue to walk my spiritual path so that it helps you walk yours. 


Fun Facts

When I’m not assisting clients with their growth journey, I’m likely:

  • Reading metaphysical and spiritual books, especially those on Numerology.
  • Taking a nap (I loooooove naps.)
  • Headed to the park to swing.
  • Painting Earth Mandalas
  • Hugging a tree (they need love, too, ya know!)
  • Giving kisses to any dog that’ll let me.
  • Antiquing with my hubby.
  • Paying homage to la Luna by drumming in full moon ceremonies.
Brandi Lei, Metaphysical Minister and Spiritual Life Coach hugging a tree

More Fun Facts

I once was deathly afraid of snakes, so to reclaim my fearlessness of them, I intentionally chose a snake symbol as my logo.  I now embrace her power of rebirth and transformation, shedding the old so the new can shine through.

My dream home is an earth-bermed house in the magnetic-crystalline-hydro energies of Northwest Arkansas, nestled among her quartz crystals.

The energy there is amazing!

I absolutely love tunnels.

I get super excited and will drive out of my way just to go through one.  It puts a smile on my face every time!

Book that started it all:  Everything Happens for a Reason by Mira Kirshenbaum

Notable Influences:  Kryon, Abraham, Pythagoras, Neale Donald Walsch and Peace Pilgrim

Favorite Movie:  My Cousin Vinny

Favorite Color:  The rainbow, but I'm also pretty fond of purple (if you can't tell!) 

Favorite TV Show:  Friends

Favorite Number:  13

Favorite Galaxy:  Andromeda - my first incarnation after separating from Source.

Biggest Thrill:  Jumping out of a plane!  Word of advice...don't open your mouth.

The Bottom Line...

I am deeply passionate about spirituality and metaphysics, dedicating myself to the pursuit of inner wisdom. I find joy in reconnecting with the inner child through laughter and play, and I'm here to share the insights that have helped me find my purpose.

I offer you a safe and supportive space filled with love as you navigate your spiritual journey.

I am a Metaphysical Minister and hold a master’s degree in Metaphysical Science from the University of Metaphysics in Sedona, and I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. with a specialization in Metaphysical Counseling. 

I am based in Oklahoma, am happily married to my wonderful husband, DJ, and am a proud dog mom to four adorable fur babies:  Duke, Daisy, Vinny, and Lily. 

Duke aka "Wookie"
Duke aka "Wookie"

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